The Book Stop / Statia de carte
The place for the reading break / Locul pentru pauza de citit
O campanie initiata de CE LE CITIM COPIILOR, Bianca Mereuta
(a campaign initiated by the WHAT WE READ TO OUR CHILDREN community)

This is my first collaboration with Bianca & her community as an illustrator.
I had the privilege to meet Bianca a year ago and we became friends in an instant.
We share the same values and beliefs and have the same dreams regarding the life of books and education in Romania and all over the world.
This illustration is for a campaign initiated by Bianca with the support of the community and local sponsors to bring "book stops" in schools and kindergartens.
These book stops will provide free books to read for the children, while you're in school taking a break or during playtime.
The concept behind the illustration was of the worlds that lie within the covers of a book:
fiction, education, science, biology and nature, astronomy, zoology etc.
There is a hole world of imagination that opens up to a child when reading a book,
a world full of stories for the mind, spirit and soul.